Anupam Kher is a renowned actor of the Indian film and television industry. With more than a dozen films and shows, the Kashmiri Pandit actor has made a mark in the industry with his remarkable acting skills and expressions. Featuring in the latest controversial film, The Kashmir Files, he has voiced his opinions time and again, as the Chairman of FTII as well as an informed citizen of the country. Recently, Anupam Kher was spotted enjoying a family lunch at his brother’s home and well, he couldn’t help but tell us all about his favourite Kashmiri dishes that we a part of the feast. 

Speaking like a true foodie, Anupam Kher seems to have a sweet tooth too. The actor shared a glimpse of his dessert with us yesterday and we are loving it. Since it was a Monday, we were quite relieved to see such a decadent sweet meat on Anupam Kher’s platter. Although he didn’t mention the name of the dessert, it looks like a chocolate pudding layered with strawberries on top. For the unversed, a puddingis a thick and creamy dessert that is made by blending together certain ingredients. The rectangular glass bowl also has some blackberries on top. This is what it looks like. 

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Source: Screengrab of Instagram Stories/Anupam Kher

 The sight of this drool-worthy dessert has made us hop on the sweet express train and pick up a few recipes on the way for you. Here are some puddings you can try at home.

1.  Chocolate Avocado Pudding 

Sounds interesting? It tastes lovely too. The smooth texture of avocado makes the chocolate pudding even more silky and soft. Made with almond milk and maple syrup, the ripe avocados do their job really well in whipping up a pudding in hardly 10 minutes. 

2.  Banana Pudding 

The ripe and sweet bananas are picked up for this pudding. Blending them all together with milk to give a rich, creamy and decadent pudding, it is topped with whipped cream and some more banana slices. 

3.  Chia Pudding With Strawberries 

Chia seeds are like a super food. Strawberries are dunked into a pudding jar that is layered with chia seeds mixed with almond milk. A drizzle of maple syrup and vanilla extract and the flavours come out really well in this healthy and fruity pudding.