Among the veteran actors in Bollywood who can fit into a young role even today, Anil Kapoor’s name comes first. The actor has been an inspiration for many upcoming celebrities for his fit body. Featuring in the recently released Jugjugg Jeeyo, the 65-year-old actor has certain secrets to his all-time young looks. There are no two ways about the fact that the actor follows a specific exercise regime that he keeps changing every now and then to add variety to his workout. However, it is his dietary regime that is the secret behind his glowing skin, fit body and wide smile. 

The actor revealed that he follows a very disciplined diet that is taken care of by his wife, Sunita Kapoor, according to a recent report in the Times of India. His social media posts and regular glimpses into his meals tell us that he isn’t an ardent fan of junk food and likes to stay away from unhealthy food items. Not just that, he even avoids sugar and doesn’t consume alcohol either. Since he is into fitness, he doesn’t smoke too and instead, focuses his attention on good fats and nutrition-loaded food. His day begins with a bottle of water on an empty stomach, post which he grabs a banana. Bananas not only keep you full for longer but are also rich in antioxidants and regulate blood sugar levels too. 

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Since bananas are packed with carbs, potassium, and iron, they serve as a great start to the day. Throughout the day, he follows the principle of eating in small portions, after every two hours. This helps him to replenish his energy as well as keep a check on his calorie intake. In between these five-six meals of the day, he also tries to eat a balanced diet including carbs, proteins as well as fats. In the middle of morning, he grabs a sandwich filled with lettuce, eggs and cabbage along with some black coffee. Or else, he gulps down a bowl of oats to keep himself satiated. 

Source: Pixabay

Lunch is usually all about green leafy vegetables including boiled broccoli spruced up with lemon juice. Anil likes to pair it with some dal and brown rice or roti to make it a wholesome meal. The evening hunger pangs are the worst as one tends to gobble down all the unhealthy food that one has been avoiding during the day. However, Anil’s answer to shaam wali bhookh is either apple juice or a creamy strawberry milkshake. This also proves the fact he is a lover of dairy products like milk and cheese, as per a report by TOI. 

Finally, the actor’s dinner plate looks like a nature’s trail with veggie salad bowls and delicious dressings drizzled on top. Seems like the actor likes to keep it light at night and give his stomach some time to relax.