Anil Kapoor’s legendary comic timing is well-known and the latest to jump on the bandwagon is actress Kriti Sanon, who has been basking in the success of her new release. The film, in which she plays a robot named SIFRA – opposite Shahid Kapoor – has been receiving praises for its novel concept and unusual storyline. In the vein of promoting the film further, Sanon shared a video where she appeared to be taking a break on set, while Anil Kapoor was happily engaged in enjoying his lunch.

When the actress expresses her interest to join him, he readily gives her a bunch of keys and his cell phone – playing along into the gimmick of Sanon’s robot character from the movie. The actress then ‘clarifies’ that she’s human and that she felt hungry like a normal being would, after which he goes on to share his meal of egg bhurji and parathas. Captioning the funny video, Sanon said, “His name is LAKHAN, and my name is SIFRA!! Btw.. the bhurji was Jhakaaasssss! Thank you [Anil Kapoor] sir! You’re the besssttt!”

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The endearing banter between the two actors left their fans in splits, with the comment section being flooded with laughter emojis. The actors looked sharp, dressed in black outfits, as they sat in a vanity van to relish the home-cooked meal. Both actors, who are known for their healthy lifestyles and fitness, appeared to be at ease as they bonded over food. Safe to say that we thoroughly enjoyed this fun exchange involving a memorable meal, and the easy camaraderie between actors. For more such content on celeb food stories, check out the trending stories on Slurrp.