Actress Ananya Panday is busy prepping for ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’ wherein she reunites with her Gehraiyan co-star Siddhant Chaturvedi. The ‘SOTY 2’ actor would also be making her Telugu film debut in ‘Liger’ where she will be seen sharing screen space with Vijay Deverakonda of ‘Arjun Reddy’ Fame. The 23-year-old has emerged as one of the most popular newcomers of Bollywood, and is a fitness icon for many, but did you know that she is also a big food buff.  

That’s right, a few months ago, Ananya expressed her love for ‘French Fries’ in a super relatable Instagram post. Then later, she binged on a couple of Chocolatey desserts with actress Shilpa Shetty. And on Sunday, she yet again made a post that is sure to unite all ‘Pizza’ lovers. The actress posted a total of two pictures, in the first image she can be seen surrounded by a range of Pizzas and enjoying a slice of a thin-crust pizza. In the next image, Ananya, is standing in the middle of a swimming pool. “It’s called balance”, she wrote in her caption.  Ananya sure makes ‘burning calories’ look easy.  

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Pizza, as we all know is native to Italy, but did you know not all pizzas have originated in Italy. There are many countries that have given the Italian staple their own spin, making Pizza one of the most globally renowned foods. Here are some different kinds of pizzas you can try at home today.  

Chicago Pizza: As the name suggests, this pizza was created in Chicago, at the UNO Chicago Gril and Bar. This deep-dish pizza actually looks a lot like a pie. A savoury pie that is loaded with cheese and meat. It is so wholesome you wouldn’t be able to resist

Tandoori Paneer Pizza: Our very own country also adapted the Italian favourite. The addition of cottage cheese on top of pizza is a win-win for all cheese lovers. This Pizza also comes with the smoky, tangy Tandoori goodness. An explosion of flavours awaits.

Mexican Pizza: This Pizza comes loaded with the best of Mexico. Think: refried beans, ground meat, salsa, olives, bell pepper and more. It is a colourful and loaded affair.

 Try these pizzas and let us know which ones you liked the best. Feel free to share your pizza recipes with us too.