Bollywood actor Ananya Panday, who was last seen in the bilingual Liger opposite national heartthrob Vijay Devarakonda, has a string of interesting projects lined up ahead of her this year. The starlet, who entered the industry in 2019 with 'Student Of The Year 2', has appeared in a few films after that. She has also emerged as one of the latest fitness icons of the country, but did you know that Ananya is also a massive foodie. From fries and namkeen to pizzas and burgers, Ananya has them all, and you can as well if you are willing to do 108 Surya Namaskars a day like her. The key here is balance.  

On Thursday night, Ananya took to Instagram to give a shoutout to her favourite namkeen. For the uninitiated, namkeen is an Indian snack, which can also be called a trail mix of various edible savouries such as sev, peanuts, and chiwda, etc. Namkeens come in various shapes, sizes and forms. There are plenty in your closest supermarket that have fused interesting foreign flavours in your standard bhujiyas too, and Ananya is a fan of one such variant herself.  

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She shared an image of a bowl of bhujiya on her Instagram stories, and those were not your regular bhujiya. She wrote, “Chilli cheese bhujiya I <3 you”. Bhujiya refers to a bunch of thin, noodle-like and crunchy strands. They may be plain or as chilli or cheesy as you want. Bhujiya hail from Rajasthan, but its popularity has traversed boundaries and has made it a global favourite snack with umpteen variations.  

The actor has no qualms in flaunting her foodie side. When she was shooting for Liger in the state, she posted a photo dump, where she could be eating cheeseburgers, pizzas, pastas, and coffee. Even while promoting Liger in different cities, she did not miss out on trying out the local delicacies. In Ahmedabad, it was the Gujarati Thali, and in Kochi, she devoured a wholesome South Indian meal with Vijay.