Ananya Panday and Sara Ali Khan are two Bollywood actors who never shy away from setting some friendship goals on social media. The two are often spotted together on lunch dates or after parties, and their latest posts on Instagram are proof that they share an immense love for food too. Ananya and Sara are both self-proclaimed foodies who have frequently shared their passion for food on social media. Be it on vacation, on the set of a shoot, or just casually giving in to cravings at home, the two stunners never shy away from drooling on decadent delicacies. Now that the two of them were together, on a short work trip to Doha, Qatar, they made sure to make the most of it by indulging their hearts out.
"Liger" star Ananya was the first to share a series of pictures from her trip in a carousel post on Instagram, which mostly included mouth-watering food. From a cheesy pizza to a rich and delicate tiramisu at the upscale restaurant Cipriani, Ananya seems to have made the most of her short trip. Her post also included a picture of a table full of various exquisite desserts, besides a serving of eggs benedict and what seems like hot chocolate. Take a look:
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Sara shared the same set of pictures on her Instagram story. However, there were more than just Italian treats that the two nibbled on. Sara took to Instagram to share more pictures from their foodie adventure, and it seems the duo enjoyed a complete Japanese meal for dinner. Sushi, dim sum, chilli fish, and a couple of desserts were all conquered by the divas at Nobu, a Japanese fine-dining restaurant in Doha. Sara also shared an image of the two dedicatedly going through the dessert menu! "The only thing that engrosses us more than a camera is a dessert menu!" Sara wrote along with the picture. Take a look:
The meal appears to be delicious. Sara and Ananya are definitely the ones with whom foodies would love to hang out, don’t you think?