The Big B of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan, is a living legend. His reel and real presence have always been larger than life. The actor knows how to enamour his admirers through his onscreen dialogue delivery, mesmerising acting or engaging with fans through his massive social media presence. On October 11, 2022, the seasoned thespian turned 80 and taking this perfect occasion into action, India's leading dairy brand, Amul, got witty.

Birthday wishes for the veteran actor were pouring from his fans all over social media. What caught everyone's attention the most was a witty Amul post. The dairy brand of the country is known for its creative spin on any trending topic of the world. It was once again proven on Big B's birthday. It honoured the illustrious actor with a zany, timely message and artwork. 

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Birthday cake, Image Source: Freepik

On its official Instagram account, it uploaded an image with the brand's mascot, Amul Girl, the hand-drawn cartoon. Ditching her usual polka dot frock, she wore a top, jeans and a mustard jacket and appeared with a cake lit with candles signalling number 80 to wish the veteran celeb. Amitabh Bachchan was illustrated sitting on the hot seat, reminding us of his famous show KBC. The image caption read: Bachchpan se aapke fan hai.” And the tagline read: Amul - John Jaani Janamdin ka treat.” It has garnered almost 63K likes on the platform. 

The dairy brand also took it to its official Twitter handle and conveyed its heartiest greetings by writing, "Wishing the Big B a healthy and happy 80th birthday!"

Numerous people have liked, commented on, and retweeted the message. Twitteratis were overjoyed to see this creative and topical wish from their favourite dairy brand and Bollywood actor. One wrote, "Happy birthday to the smile of every Indian household." At the same time, another praised the innovative marketing approaches of the label and mentioned. "Amul_Coop never fails to amaze us with their marketing and innovation!"

Big B is a known gourmet and has a long list of favourites. Thus, we wish the star an utterly-butterly delicious year ahead and are waiting with bated breath to watch his upcoming movie Uunchai, which is slated to release exactly one month after his birthday, i.e., November 11, 2022.