Megastar Amitabh Bachchan just turned 80, and birthday wishes poured in for him from his fans, family, friends and Bollywood celebrities. While the legendary actor wanted his birthday celebrations to be low-key, wife Jaya Bachchan and son Abhishek Bachchan turned up on the set of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) to surprise the birthday boy.

Amitabh was stunned to see both of them walk on stage while shooting the latest episode of the TV quiz show. Celebrating the megastar’s special day, Jaya got him sweet and sour candies, while the father-son duo were chatting away. Later, Abhishek shared a video of the same on his Instagram feed, showcasing the emotional reaction of his father on receiving such a pleasant surprise.

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However, that wasn’t all. They had another (more delightful!) surprise planned for Amitabh. Can you guess what was it? It was a bowl of hot Lapsi. For the unversed, Lapsi is a traditional dessert from Uttar Pradesh, made with dalia, ghee, and nuts.

The rich dessert, loaded with chopped almonds and pistachios, was served hot to Big B, as Jaya made him eat a spoonful of it on his birthday. Perplexed, Amitabh goes on to ask his wife why he was offered this particular sweet dish today. That is when they played an archive video of his father, the late Harivansh Rai Bachchan, where he says that when a man turns 80, he should eat Lapsi.

Fulfilling his father’s wish, Amitabh became teary-eyed and it was a heart-warming moment for the entire Bachchan family. This made everyone, particularly Big B, very nostalgic as he was reminded of the good memories of his father. Interestingly, Lapsi is very nutritious too, apart from being a delicious desi sweet. 

Eaten in several parts of the country during festivals as well as regular days, it is said that Lapsi is a powerhouse of energy and can be easily digested too. Not just children, even older people are urged to eat this dish so as to keep up the energy levels and maintain the nutritional intake.