Ambadi, sometimes called Gongura in Telugu, is one of the most well-liked green leafy vegetables. No celebration, including weddings and house-warming ceremonies, would be complete without Gongura food served to Telugu households. The popular herb gongura or ambadi is known for its sour flavour, which may transform any dish to which it is introduced. Ambadi's health benefits are surprisingly little known today. Indian agronomists have identified 1532 edible plants. These plants are used by rural and tribal populations as food, medicine, and sources of revenue. How many local flora do you consume? Our disregard for our local greens has earned them the label "Orphan Crops": those plants that no one wants to eat and, as a result, no one grows them. 

Local greens, like Ambadi, are climate resilient, grow in all environments, require minimal effort, and may provide our farmers with a relatively simple source of income. Ambadi, a plant with green leaves and red stems, is a member of the hibiscus family. Ambadi is more acidic and taller than the other greens, therefore during the monsoon, it is not harmed by the microbes. It is safe to eat during the monsoon. Because of this, it is regarded as the queen of green vegetables. It is accessible nationwide and goes under various names. It is referred to as Ambadi in Marathi, Gongura in Telugu, Sorrel Leaves or Roselle in English, Pitwaa in Hindi, khata Palanga in Oriya, and Mestapat in Bengali. There are two types: red-stemmed leaf and green-stemmed leaf. Compared to the green, the red-stemmed type is sourer. 

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Health Benefits 

Nutritional Powerhouse 

Ambadi/sorrel contains vitamin A (5320 IU, or 106 percent of your daily required consumption), vitamin C (64 mg, or 106 percent of your daily recommended intake), and folate, according to USDA statistics (about 4 percent of your recommended daily intake). Additionally, you'll get trace levels of pantothenic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6. 

Healthy For Women 

Ambadi is an excellent source of iron and folic acid. It doesn't have the constipation adverse effects that an iron supplement has. It reduces menstrual discomfort and lessens bleeding since it is a good source of vitamin C. Use it as tea when you have regular periods. 

Beneficial To Bone Health 

Ambadi leaves are a wonderful way to maintain strong bones, according to studies. This mineral-rich plant has large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, all of which are crucial for preserving strong and healthy bones. Such problems like osteoporosis can be avoided with a diet high in these minerals. 

Boosts Immune System 

The high concentration of vitamin C, sometimes referred to as ascorbic acid, is crucial for boosting the immune system and raising the body's supply of white blood cells. This is another factor in why ambadi and gongura are popular foods even during the monsoon season. 

Improves Heart Health 

In the blood, homocysteine is a typical amino acid. Early cardiac and renal problems are connected to high homocysteine levels. Ambadi is a fantastic source of folate and vitamin B6, which are essential for maintaining low levels of homocysteine. 

Diabetic Friendly 

The fibre in ambadi is excellent for regulating blood sugar levels. This low-glycemic index combination meal is traditionally eaten with bhakri made of makai, jowl, bajra, and ragi. 

Helps Avoid Constipation 

Ambadi contains magnesium and fibre, which quickly relieve constipation. This vitamin's laxative effect helps to relax the intestinal muscles, which promotes a smoother rhythm when bowel movements occur. It also has the ability to draw water, which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass. 

Ambadi In Cooking  

Flowers: Ambadi has lovely red blooms that can be taken after being boiled in water to treat stomach problems. This herbal tea may be the ideal detox beverage. 

Leaves: All throughout the year, people from Meghalaya to Tamil Nadu enjoy eating leaves as a delicacy. The only green leafy vegetable consumed during the monsoon is this one. It is simple to add to your regular curries, dals, and pickles. It tastes distinctly sour. It is not only a tasty food option, but it is also a healthy one because it is a good source of vitamins and minerals. 

Stems: Stems are consumed and prepared in the same manner as conventional curries and dals. 

Seeds: Ambadi seeds are crushed to make oil, which is widely used to light lamps and can even be used for cooking. 

Look for ambadi with firm, unwilted, deep-green leaves that are free of any yellowing or browning. Smaller leaves have a milder flavour and are more delicate. When storing it at home, wrap it in a paper towel or put it in a cloth bag, then refrigerate it until you're ready to use it. It often lasts between one and two weeks.