Alia Bhatt’s recent movie ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ has created a storm among movie buffs for all the right reasons. The Sanjay Leela Bhansal film featuring Alia in the lead role is worth visiting the theatres for after over two long years. The movie has recently joined the ₹100-crore club and the makers are on cloud nine. The achievement is worth a celebration and here is how the actress is marking the success.

The actress took to her Instagram handle to post about her vegan burger and fries indulgence and we are truly drooling over them. The Bollywood star shared a thread of pictures with the caption, “Happy century to Gangubai & happy vegan burger + fry to Alia 🙃💯 Thank you for all the love 🤍🌙”. The movie has finally crossed the 100-crore mark and that’s how the actress celebrated the success. The post has garnered comments from her loved ones including her mother, Soni Razdan, and Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh. Soni said, “And here you look like a sweet girl from Romania or something 🙌😍❤️” and “Congratulations Romanian Gangubai”. While Ranveer commented- “NOMNOMNOM”. 

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Are you craving some burgers too? Here are three vegan burgers to try:

1. Mushroom Vegan Burger

A patty made with portobello mushrooms and chickpeas is one of the best options to try if you are a vegan. This mushroom vegan burger is a great option to try if you are craving a healthy and delicious meal. Try it out and let us know how you like it.

2. Black Bean Vegan Burger

Needless to say, black beans are rich in essential nutrients and a great addition to one’s diet. A burger patty made with black beans is one of the best options to try if you want to relish a healthy and decadent burger.

3. Vegan Burger In A Lettuce Bun

If you want to cut out the calories of the wheat bun, then this vegan burger in a lettuce bun recipe is the one for you. The burger patty enclosed in lettuce leaves as buns make a low-in-calorie and delicious burger to savour.