Snapchat’s parent company Snap Inc recently announced the launch of two original Indian creator shows, featuring television actor Anushka Sen and comedian Vir Das. This would be the first-of-a-kind collaboration of any Indian digital creator with Snapchat. While comedian Vir Das would enthrall his fans with his weekly show “Vir Das - The Most Epic Max Show", where the ‘Go Goa Gone’ actor will take on new rib-tickling challenges and try different things. Popular TV actor and influencer Anushka Sen will unleash the glutton in her in the series “What’s On My Plate”. The actor will take her Snapchat followers through her kitchen where she would be making some of her most favourite dishes, and take a series of challenges set by her ‘Food Wheel’ Snapchat lens. Sen’s friends and family also make special appearance on the show where they sample and rate her food and participate in a few challenges with her too. The weekly series is all set to premier on 19th June, with new episodes dropping every Saturday on Snapchat Discover.
The 18-year-old actor took to Twitter to make the special announcement. “I am not your everyday social media cook, telling you what to make that is what my New show on Snapchat is all about! I am going to be making my favourite dishes, but with a Twist! Get ready to check out ‘What’s on My Plate?’ Exclusively on Snapchat! #SnapchatIndia #SnapOriginal”, she wrote.
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Anushka Sen began her career as a child artiste in Zee TV’s ‘Yahaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli’. She has also starred in popular TV shows like “Baal veer” and ‘Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev.” She rose to popularity with her role as in the 2019 series Khoob Ladi Mardaani - Jhansi Ki Rani. Anushka was also the youngest participant in the sunt-based show ‘Khatro Ki Khiladi’ season 11, where she contracted the Covid-19 virus.