The 95th Academy Awards saw Indian films make a triumphant impact, with RRR's Naatu Naatu winning the Oscar for Best Original Song and The Elephant Whisperers being awarded Best Documentary, Short Subject. This recognition at the most prestigious awards ceremony in the entertainment industry has caused great excitement in India, where people are celebrating these remarkable achievements. Now, while the awards ceremony itself is much talked about, the official Oscars dinner is also the highlight of the event. This lavish feast is a chance for the biggest names in the film industry from around the world to gather together and enjoy some of the most exquisite culinary delights. This year's dinner was held on March 12, following the announcement of the award winners, and the guests were treated to an incredible dining experience.

Curious about what your favourite celebrities dined on at the Oscars dinner? Look no further, as we’ve got the details here! The menu was designed by the Oscars veteran chef Wolfgang Puck, who has been helming the menu for 29 years now. With a vast network of restaurants all over the world, the Austrian-American chef was able to gather 115 chefs who came together for this grand event. However, Puck commissioned British chef Elliott Grover, the executive chef of CUT restaurant in London, to create the keynote menu for the Oscars dinner. And Grover took diners on a gastronomic journey through the flavours of Britain, served up in miniature form.

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Imagine mini fish and chips, fried in beef drippings and served in a cone—innovative, isn’t it? The idea behind it was to allow the attendees to eat while walking around and networking at the same time. Speaking to Vice, the chef said earlier: "People will be celebrating, so they’ll be more open to it, and it’s only a four-biter. I might get away with it—maybe."

As per an Instagram video by Puck, some other exciting dishes that will be a part of the lavish menu are Sea Bass in Puff Pastry, the popular truffle chicken pot pie and Edible Smoking Chocolate Cigars for dessert besides a trifle with sherry, topped with a maraschino cherry. According to Variety, the chef also presented his version of a beef Wellington.

Puck, along with Eric Klein, the vice president of culinary, revealed an array of new dishes, including some vegan and vegetarian options. He told Variety: "We have five kinds of pasta, from agnolotti to pasta with truffles, vegan pizzas, the Chinese-spiced Hunan eggplant over rice, and a vegetarian version of West Hollywood’s Merois restaurant’s crispy rice crab salad."

As per a report in Wine Enthusiast magazine, small plates included everything from bagel macarons with smoked salmon and sorrel, which seems to be a nod to A24’s Everything, Everywhere All At Once, which picked up 11 nominations and won 5. Given that the small plates also included "Asian-style fried chicken" with pandan leaf-coconut waffles, it might have been a tribute to the Malaysian heritage of Michelle Yeoh, who made history as the first woman of Asian descent to win a best actress Oscar. Besides, there was also a crispy rice bar with tartare, carved fish, and fruit sushi.

Wondering about the array of drinks served at the event? The guests were treated to endless servings of rosé champagne by Fleur de Miraval, which is co-owned by Brad Pitt. It has been the official champagne of the awards since 2022 when it replaced the previously served Piper-Heidsieck. According to Wine Enthusiast, around 20,000 bottles of Fleur de Miraval are produced each year, with 1,000 of them being specially reserved for the Oscars ceremony.

Throughout the evening, guests sipped on wines from Domaine Clarence Dillon, a winery in Bordeaux owned by Prince Robert of Luxembourg, who is a member of the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg. Besides, mixologist Charles Joly and his team, who have been the official mixologists of the Oscars since 2016, poured out margaritas, palomas, and tequila martinis for the guests.

Well, this definitely looked like a grand affair that nobody would like to miss—a night of glitz, glamour, and everything delicious!