YOU encounter a bunch of people sitting around a dining table in a cosy apartment, chatting and laughing over a meal. Imagine the surprise when you realise that these people are in fact strangers who meet over a seven-course feast, to dig into some delicious food and meet like-minded people!

This is what you get with The Long Table, an experiential dining experience crafted by lawyer-turned-chef Pragati Mitta. Turning the concept of eating out on its head, the young chef has broken many-a-rule, be it hosting meals only over weekends (mostly two in a month, for which people can sign up on Instagram) or having people over to her home, adding a touch of warmth.

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“What I do gives me freedom and is free from the pressures of a restaurant or a cloud kitchen. I do not need to have a certain number of orders each day,” shares the 31-year-old, adding, “I like playing with different ingredients and concepts, unlike a restaurant where I would have to serve the same dishes again and again.”

Started in June this year, The Long Table is already creating a buzz. With its innovative concept and small touches, be it having seasonal flowers on the table or personal menus, it has added a new dimension to the culinary scene in Hyderabad.


The Long Table started its adventure with Mango Edition dinners, where dishes inspired by the king of fruits were served. From the mango iced tea and the crispy rice served with totapuri to the Mille Feuille served with a dash of mango shrikhand and aam papad, the menu and the meal went viral on Instagram, ensuring a stellar debut for Pragati.

Inspired by her own experiences while travelling abroad, where she made connections with people across the world over a meal, the chef learned the role fresh produce, local ingredients and hyperlocal cuisine play in a memorable meal.

The current ongoing Barsaat Edition pays homage to monsoon foods and takes diners down memory lane. From the mirchi bhajji, a dish often touted as ‘world famous in Hyderabad’ by locals, to the good old rainy day favourite — momos, the menu is rooted in foods that are proven crowd-pleasers in the rainy season. 

All the dishes served have a gastronomical twist to them; the khichdi is inspired by the national dish of Egypt, koshary, while the bhutta (corn cob) is served with whipped feta and chimichurri. Inspired by her travels abroad, Pragati brings unexpected flavours together to great effect.

The food is freshly prepared in the kitchen and plated to perfection, ensuring that the meal lives on on Instagram long after it is consumed. The evening ends on a perfect note with hot chocolate — an explosion of tastes with sea salt caramel, chilli crisp, orange marmalade and spiced candied almonds all vying for attention.

It is this unexpected mélange of tastes that makes a meal at the Long Table memorable.


An unexpected side effect of the meal is the aspect of community building that has even taken Pragati by surprise. People from all walks of life and across age groups and professions bond with each other over sumptuous food. Calling it a happy happenstance, she states, “The community aspect is absolutely amazing and something I never planned. It is a fantastic fallout, and when I see meaningful conversations over meals for nearly three hours, I’m glad, as it really shows us the role food plays in bringing people together.”

The chef also hosts private dinners and collaborates with restaurants from time to time. Next on the cards is to introduce underrepresented world cuisines — from Greek to Vietnamese — to biryani-loving Hyderabadis! She explains, “I love how they use fresh salads and really light ingredients that complement the weather. I am looking forward to going back to my table and experimenting again.”

As the laughter and chatter continue at The Long Table, it's clear that Pragati has done more than just serve a meal — she's created a space where strangers become friends, united by their love for food and the joy of shared experiences. Her innovative approach to dining, blending unexpected flavours with personal touches, has not only redefined how Hyderabadis dine but also how they connect.

With her sights set on introducing diverse global cuisines, this innovative idea promises many more evenings of culinary adventures and camaraderie!

Reservations are accepted four to five4-5 days in advance for weekend dinners. To book reservations, reach out to Pragati via her Instagram page, @legally.delicious.