The fruits from your own trees will be extra tasty and have lots of vitamins and minerals. Homegrown fruits like peaches, apples, oranges, and plums are delicious and good for you. When you eat fruits from your own trees, you know they are organic.   

Fruit trees are an important part of nature that provide delicious and nutritious fruits. People have grown fruit trees for a long time, but growing fruit trees at home is becoming more popular now. When fruit trees mature, they become big, beautiful trees that produce yummy fruits during the growing season.  

Beyond giving tasty fruits to eat, fruit trees also provide nice shade and coolness under their large branches and leaves. Having fruit trees at home lets you pick and enjoy fresh fruits right from your own yard. The fruits are extra healthy because you grow them without any chemicals. Fruit trees add natural beauty to a home with their flowers in spring and later fruits.  

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Some easy fruits to grow in a home garden are banana, mango, guava, papaya, lemon, and more. Here are the top 7 fruits tress to grow in your home garden. 


The papaya plant sprouts slender, winding branches from a single thick stalk. Its leaves are a vibrant green, and clusters of fruit grow at the top. Normal papaya trees can reach 25 feet tall, but there are also dwarf types that stay short. After 9-11 months of growing, papayas are ready to pick when half of the skin turns yellow.   

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Botanically called Musa, banana plants grow tall with large green leafy stems and leaves. Bananas grow in clusters called hands that take about a year to form. Ripe bananas turn yellow with a soft, sweet inside. Unripe bananas are green. As per the National Library of Medicine, bananas are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre that are important for health.   

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A cherry tree is a wonderful way to treat yourself and add beauty to your yard. When spring arrives, delicate white and pink cherry blossoms open, coating the branches in a floral display. Later, the flowers give way to shiny red cherries that are simply delicious when ripe. To enjoy the fruit, you may need to use scare tape or netting, so birds don't steal them all! For a small space, choose a dwarf variety like Compact Stella, which reaches 10-12 feet tall and starts producing cherries within two years.  

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Ber, also called jujube or Chinese date, is a fruit-bearing tree native to India. The Ber tree grows quickly and has many drooping branches covered in bright green leaves and oblong fruits. It takes 2-3 years for the tree to start producing the plum-sized Ber fruits. At first the fruits are green, then turn red when ripe. The fruits have a single hard seed inside that is not eaten. The fruits ripen at different times, so the tree has both unripe green and ripe red Ber fruits simultaneously. 

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Lemons are popular worldwide for their sour taste and, as per the National Library of Medicine, they are a good source of vitamin C. Lemons grow well in partly shaded areas with well-drained soil. Their scientific name is Citrus limon. These small, round, yellow fruits have juicy, sour pulp inside. Lemons are easy to grow in pots. They are used a lot in cooking.  

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Apples grow best in cold climates. Apples need temperatures below 7 degrees and nutrient-rich soil. People enjoy apples raw, in shakes, ice cream, and baked goods. Eating an apple a day is thought to support health. As per the National Library of Medicine, apples contain vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Their sweet flavour and crunchy texture make them a favourite fruit around the world.  

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Mangoes are the king of fruits, with over a hundred varieties like Dusseri, Langda, and Akbari. Mangoes grow best in drier areas with less rain and humidity. The fruits come in yellow, orange, and green colours depending on ripeness. Mangoes are a summer seasonal fruit. People enjoy mangoes raw, pickled, in milkshakes and ice cream, or as chutneys. Their colours signal ripeness and they flourish in drier climates.