Creating your meal plan a week prior improves efficiency and gives you a streamlined head start towards the week. It also saves your money as you can buy all the needed groceries in advance and do not end up spending extra while making impulsive decisions. Also, you can ensure healthier eating habits as while making a meal plan you are always in control of what you will be eating through the week. People who do not create meal plans end up making anything abruptly and do not think of its nutritional value. Here are some tips that you must remember to implement while creating your weekly meal plan that will help you with your diet and save you time.

1. Create your style of meal planning

Meal planning is a very subjective experience. Some people believe in creating a meal plan and stocking up on groceries. A lot of people prepare meals in advance that can be used during the week. Some people use the combination of both of these things. You will have to choose the style that works best for you. Remember that eating fresh food is always better even if it takes some more time.

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2. Stock up your groceries

No matter what recipes you will make during your week, it is always important to stock up your pantry and fridge with some basic ingredients and vegetables. Initially, the investment might seem large to you. However, you will see that these basic ingredients and vegetables in your kitchen will make cooking much simpler for you. 

3. Schedule a shopping 

If you are very busy throughout the week, then you must consciously select a single day for your grocery shopping. Planning your meals will mean nothing if you do not have the required ingredients at home. Try to figure out the day that works best for you and be consistent with it. There might be times when you will have to get some extra things as well. In that case, you can just order them at home. But otherwise, try to get your weekly grocery by yourself.

4. Always make a list before shopping

Do not ever go shopping without creating a proper list. Having the list helps you make sure you have everything that you want. Try to make your list by writing the required ingredients for every recipe that you have scheduled for the week. This reduces the chances of skipping something. You can also get frozen vegetables as they have a better shelf life and you do not have to worry about them getting expired.

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5. Properly equip your kitchen

Make sure that your kitchen is properly equipped and has the appliances needed for cooking. If you do not have the proper equipment for cooking them, no matter how many ingredients you get, your food will not taste well. Also, try to get proper utensils as different types of dishes are cooked in different utensils.

6. Keep a check on the nutrients in your meals

While preparing your weekly meal plan, try to analyse the nutritional value of every meal. Although it is practically impossible to keep a check on every calorie intake, it is always recommended to keep a tab on your protein intake. Try to make sure that you are eating healthy fats and enough vitamins and minerals. Make a conscious effort to include fruits and vegetables in your meals. For your evening snacks, you can always keep something light. Snacks also generally do not require much pre-preparation so you can go with things like fresh fruits, nuts, yoghurt, hummus and vegetables, and many such things.

7. Try to look for healthier versions of your favourite recipes

While we do know that it's quite a task to eat healthy throughout the week, you can make it easier by looking for healthier versions of your favourite recipes. While creating a meal plan, try to strike a balance between healthy recipes in the recipes of your choice. Now what you can do is look for healthier versions of your favourite recipes. For example, instead of using all-purpose flour for making a pizza, you can make a beast from wheat flour or multiple grains. This can satisfy your cravings and at the same time keep your diet and check.


8. Follow your plan but don't be too hard on yourself

It is important to stick to your diet plan, but at the same time remember that you are a human. There are days when you might have to go against your diet plan. This can happen in case of a sudden party or when you are feeling too low to eat diet food. Things like these are okay and you do not have to feel extremely guilty about them.

These are some of the top tips that you can follow while creating your weekly meal plans. Creating a meal plan can always make your life simpler and healthier.