The world of the successful TV series Game of Thrones is called Westeros. Westeros is a continent that has seven kingdoms and many interesting places. There is a huge wall made of ice that protects the North from dangerous creatures called "White Walkers." There are beautiful castles like Winterfell, the home of the Stark family. There is King's Landing, the capital city, where the king sits on a throne made of swords.   

The people in Westeros fight for power. There are powerful families like the Starks, the Lannisters, and the Targaryens. They all want to rule the seven kingdoms. There are wars with battles, knights, and dragons.   

Throw an epic Game of Thrones party! Mix up cocktails inspired by the show to delight your guests. With drinks fit for Westeros royalty and decor straight from the Seven Kingdoms, your party will transport guests right into the world of their favourite fantasy epic! 

The Red Viper 


  1. 45ml Chilean pisco 
  2. 15ml maraschino liqueur   
  3. 20ml freshly squeezed lime juice   
  4. 15 ml of homemade Red Hots tincture  

Image credit: Freepik 


Red Hots Tincture 

Infuse 2 packs of hot cinnamon candies with 180 ml of vodka and 2 cinnamon sticks. Let them mingle in a sealed jar for 4 days, remembering to give it a good shake twice a day. The candy will dissolve into a beautiful, blazing red potion with a hot cinnamon bite. 

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  1. Mix it all together over ice and shake until chilled.   
  2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass for that classic cocktail shape.   
  3. Garnish your masterpiece with a flirtatious lemon twist. 

Lysa’s Last Stand   


  1. 22.5 ml lemon 
  2. 15 ml Crème Yvette 
  3. 15 ml Jack from Brooklyn’s Sorel 
  4. 45 ml applejack 
  5. Barspoon of powdered sugar


  1. Place all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously to blend and chill.   
  2. Then strain into a chilled coupe glass. The result is a refreshing libation with layers of flavour. 

Image credit: Freepik 

The Red Priestess   


  1. 60 ml white rum 
  2. 22 ml fresh lime juice 
  3. 22 ml Campari 
  4. 15 ml simple syrup 


  1. Grab the shaker and add your ingredients. Shake vigorously until chilled and well combined, about 10-15 seconds.   
  2. Strain the cocktail into a chilled coupe glass. Serve and enjoy this refreshing cocktail! 

Bronn of the Blackwater   


  1. 70 ml rye whiskey 
  2. 15 ml 151-proof rum 
  3. 15 ml simple syrup 
  4. 5 dashes angostura bitters

Image credit: Freepik 


  1. Grab your cup and stir the drink. Strain out any extra bits. Take a lime wedge and place it in the cup.   
  2. Now the fun part: pour some 151-proof rum over that lime. Striking a match, gently light the rum. Watch it blaze up for a second or two.   
  3. Blow out the flame before it damages your cup. Sip and enjoy your flaming cocktail creation! 

The Spider 


  1. 30 ml Gin 
  2. 30 ml Dolin Blanc vermouth (not dry!) 
  3. 30 ml Lillet Blanc 
  4. 12 drops of rose water 


  1. Gently stir the cocktail with a long spoon, allowing the ingredients to mingle and blend.   
  2. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve into a frosted cocktail glass. 
  3. Present the cocktail with a twist of citrus or a fresh herb garnish for an elegant finish. 

Also read: 6 Succession Theme-Based Cocktail Recipes For Your Next Party

The Prince That Was Promised 


For the red currant syrup:   

  1. 1 cup (150g) red currants (de-stemmed)   
  2. 1/4 cup + 2tbsp (75g) sugar 
  3. 75ml water 
  4. 25 ml of vodka or gin

For the cocktail: 

  1. Crushed ice 
  2. 50 ml honey Bourbon 
  3. 15 ml lime juice 
  4. Ginger Beer to top (about 150 ml) 
  5. 1 tbsp. red currant syrup  

For the garnish: 

  1. 1 hollowed out lime half (save the lime when you juice it for the cocktail) 
  2. 1 teaspoon brown sugar 
  3. 15 ml mezcal 
  4. Couple drops pure orange extract


Red currant syrup: 

  1. In a small saucepan, pop the ruby red currants, releasing their juicy essence. Add sugar and water and bring to a rolling boil.   
  2. Let bubble for 3 minutes, then reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lusciously syrupy.   
  3. Remove from heat, mix in vodka or gin, and let cool. Strain out the currant pieces, then strain again for a smooth syrup.   
  4. Refrigerate until ready to drizzle this sweet and tangy nectar over everything!

Image credit: Freepik 

For The Cocktail 

  1. Grab a rock glass and fill it with crushed ice. Add the honey, bourbon and lime juice. Shake vigorously. Strain into the ice-filled glass.   
  2. Top up the glass almost to the brim with ginger beer. Drizzle the red currant syrup over the drink. Give the bottle a shake, if needed.   
  3. Cut a lime half and spoon sugar onto the inside. Spread it around. Gently place the sugared lime on top of the drink, hollow side up. Carefully fill the lime half with mezcal. Add a couple drops of orange extract if you like.   
  4. Use a kitchen torch to light the lime on fire. Let it burn for 10 seconds. Dunk the lime into the drink to put out the flame. Voila! Your cocktail is ready to sip and enjoy. The flaming lime adds a fun, fiery flair.