The culture of brewing beer at home in Indian households goes back in time. People in ancient times used to consume beer on almost a regular basis with their meals. In fact, in many parts of India, such as Jharkhand, Assam, Bihar, Odisha, and nearby states, the practice is continued. Handia is the rice beer that is brewed in many of the states. 

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In other Asian countries, rice beers, such as Dansul and Choujiu are extremely popular. The distinctive aspect of rice beer is that it has a very husky flavour. Also, the alcohol percentage in rice beer is generally pretty low which makes it better than other highly intoxicating drinks. For people looking for methods to brew the perfect rice beer at home, here are some tips and tricks that will come in handy.

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Ingredients Needed

First, a person has to arrange for all the ingredients that are needed to brew rice beer at home. Here is a list of the most important ingredients that are needed.


Malted Barley




* Large Kettle

* Brewing, thermometer 

* Strainer 

* A vessel for fermentation 

* Airlock stopper

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Preparation Method

The preparation of rice beer is a very meticulous process and here are some important tips and tricks that one has to remember while doing this at home.

* Preparing Rice

The preparation of rice is the first and foremost step in the process of making rice beer at home. First, the rice has to be properly washed and soaked in water. This step helps in removing any extra starch that might be present in the rice. The next step is to cook the rice so that it reaches the gelatinisation temperature. The rice must be cooked somewhere between 65°C to 75°C.

* Mashing

After the rice has been cooked at the stated temperature, it will become soft and machine. This cooked rice has to be mixed with malted barley. At this point also, one has to make sure that the temperature doesn't cross or go any lower than 60°C to 65°C. This temperature is important to make sure that the enzymes present in the rice are converted to starch which is then converted into fermentable sugar.

* Boiling

The next step in the process is to bring the concoction of all these ingredients to a proper boil. This step is also helpful in ensuring that the mixture is sterilised and all the possible flavours are extracted from the ingredients. One can also add some hops for that extra bitterness and aroma is preferred. However, this step can also be skipped if one doesn't like the flavour of the same.

* Cooling 

The fermentation process requires one to first let the mixture cool down. The mixture can be simply kept in the kitchen if the room temperature is between 20°C to 25°C. Once the solution is cool, the next step is to simply transfer this solution into a vessel that is specifically meant for fermentation purposes. 

* Fermentation 

The process of fermentation requires a person to put the drink in a dark place that has a stable temperature and also doesn't receive any direct sunlight. The yeast is mixed with the drink. The fermentation process will require at least two weeks. During this time, a person has to keep on monitoring the progress of the drink and make sure that it is brewing and changing the way that it is supposed to. 

* Boiling 

During the process of boiling, one can keep on adding small amounts of sugar if the person wants carbonation in the rice beer. Once it is boiled properly, the person must make sure that the beer is transferred into bottles which are properly sanitised. The bottles shouldn't have any kind of leftover drink or soap solution left as it can lead to a reaction.

* Safety

The process of brewing rice beer at home requires a lot of patience and consistency. During this time a person has to deal with different ingredients at a variety of temperatures. One should follow all the possible safety precautions specifically while handling vessels and liquids that are extremely hot. Also, during the process of fermentation, the place that is choosen should be well cleaned and free from any bacterial infestation.