The nutrients found in winter fruits boost the immune system, improve general health, and maintain a healthy weight. So, it's crucial to make room for them in your diet. Citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, are well-liked worldwide. The kumquat, meanwhile, is a relatively unknown member of the same family. Kumquat consumption has been linked to several health benefits. Like other citrus fruits, kumquats are loaded with immune-boosting vitamin C, making them ideal for warding off the onset of a cold or worsening an existing condition as the climatic temperature drops down.

Vitamin C has been extensively studied and is admiringly effective against viruses. Various research suggests that getting this nutrient through whole foods rather than ascorbic acid tablets is the best way to maximize the health advantages. Because vitamin C is water soluble, consuming it gradually throughout the day is best. Kumquat's benefits include the reduction of gallstones, the facilitation of digestion, the regulation of blood sugar, the induction of hair growth, the prevention of scurvy, the improvement of bone density, the acceleration of metabolism, and enhanced vision.  

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Let us find a few solid reasons to eat kumquat in winter.

Helps regulate blood sugar levels

People with diabetes and obesity are often advised to eat citrus fruits. Due to their high fibre content, these foods may be effective in preventing overeating. To a lesser extent, kumquat fits this description. It has beneficial effects because it can prevent harmful swings in blood sugar levels by stabilizing insulin levels. Those at risk for developing type 2 diabetes should eat this fruit because it lowers insulin resistance in somatic cells and helps regulate insulin levels.

Lowers gallstones

Gallstones are calcified gall deposits that can form into small pebbles or stones and worsen into painful conditions. They can irritate the pancreas and gallbladder. Thanks to the limonene in kumquats, you can eliminate gallstones in as many as 75% of instances.

Tree laden with kumquats, Image Source: Unsplash

Aids the digestive process

You have a miraculous digestive system. the citrus fruit allows for the breakdown of large macromolecules like starches, proteins, and lipids. The catch is that it has some prerequisites. Although cellulose fibres are indigestible, they are necessary for intestinal health. These fibres play an essential role in peristalsis, the digestive process that pushes food along the digestive tract. The dietary fibres included in kumquats are particularly useful in easing digestion. In addition to this benefit, it also helps eliminate waste from the small intestine and colon. Put another way, it reduces the risk of diarrhoea, constipation, and colitis.

Promotes healthy, radiant skin

Collagen is a protein found in the tissues that make up your skin. The body's collagen supply is directly proportional to the amount of vitamin C. Like other citrus fruits, kumquat is an excellent source of this vitamin, providing as much as 100% of the RDA in just one serving. Besides making your skin look cleaner and brighter, it can also help speed up the body's natural process of replacing damaged skin cells.

A basket full of kumquats, Image Source: Pngtree

Improves bone health

Calcium, a mineral necessary for the growth and health of bones, is found in kumquats. Citrus juice and pulp were proven to slow bone loss in studies, probably by supplying flavonoids. In fact, a cell-based analysis revealed that the flavonoid poncirin encouraged the development of osteoblasts, which are cells that make and mend bones.

Anti-ageing effects

Kumquats have the properties to maintain the youthfulness of our skin. The fruit is loaded with high levels of antioxidants critical for mitigating the adverse effects of stress and free radicals on our skin. Damage to skin cells by free radicals is real and can be severe.