With the onset of monsoon, we finally got relief from the scorching heat, isn’t it? Even though monsoon has washed away our summer discomfort, it has brought a threat to our immunity and our health. With monsoon comes airborne, waterborne and foodborne diseases that can weaken our immune system and lead to a lot of discomfort. Foodborne diseases are quite common during monsoon, but have you ever wondered why? 

Monsoon increases humidity and it creates an environment favourable for the growth of bacteria, fungi, molds. Such microorganisms start breeding on unattended food and make them contaminated. But don’t you think that precaution is better than cure? To protect you from the wrath of foodborne disease, here are 6 tips that you must keep handy. You can thank us later! 

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Always consume fresh food 

We often cut fruits and vegetables and eat them after a long time. This habit, especially in monsoon, can lead to foodborne diseases. One should always consume freshly cut fruits and vegetables. Also, food that we consume everyday should be freshly cooked as it helps in killing the microorganisms. 

Dealing With Leftovers 

If you keep your leftovers unattended, this might be a leading cause of food contamination. After the meal is over, leftovers should be immediately kept in the refrigerator. If left unattended, bacterial growth takes place and makes the food contaminated and bad. 

Washing Fruits and Vegetables Before Using 

We know how essential it is to clean fruits and vegetables properly before consuming them. This step may seem basic but becomes extremely essential during the monsoon. If some experts are to be believed, the outer skin of vegetables and fruits contain harmful bacteria and thus, the veggies and fruits should be cleaned thoroughly. Otherwise, the bacteria can lead to harmful diseases.  

Storing The Food Properly 

Storing food properly is as important as cooking fresh food. Storing food properly can eradicate a lot of foodborne diseases. According to some experts, cooked food should always be cooled down before it is put into the fridge. Besides, one should always store food in airtight containers. This prevents the food from getting in contact with moisture. 

Eating Seasonal Food 

Every season offers a different set of fruits and vegetables, and this is for a reason. Seasonal foods provide the required amount of nutrients to the body. Thus, one should not go for packed but seasonal foods as they are easily available and can battle against seasonal infections and diseases. 

Always Using Clean Water For Cooking 

The risk of water contamination is extremely high during the monsoon season. To prevent discomfort and illness, one should always use potable and clean water to drink and to cook food. Using purified water will help in keeping you healthy and safe from diseases. 

 Keep these tips handy and thank us later!