Almonds are the most sought-after snacks because they contain high amounts of fibre, protein, good fats and essential vitamins and minerals. However certain pairings should be avoided as they may cause allergic reactions, digestive issues, or unpleasant flavour combinations. To maximise the health benefits of these nuts, people need to understand which foods are compatible and which are not.
Ayurveda advises against eating almonds with some foods because of viruddha ahara, or incompatible food combinations, which can cause poisons (ama) and interfere with digestion. Since nuts and dairy, particularly yoghurt, have different digestive processes, combining them can lead to digestive imbalance (vipaka). They may increase pitta dosha and impair nutrition absorption when eaten with salty or acidic foods. Ayurveda advises eating these nuts after soaking and peeling, to improve digestion, encourage ojas (vitality), and balance pitta and vata without agitating kapha.
Dairy Products
Many people like to eat dairy and almond-based foods together, but because different bodies digest food at different rates, this combination can be challenging. Mixing milk with these nuts can worsen stomach aches for individuals with lactose intolerance. Casein, a type of protein found in dairy products, may block the absorption of minerals such as iron and magnesium from the nuts. According to traditional medical systems like Ayurveda, this combination may increase mucus production, which could cause congestion. Take plant-based substitutes like almond milk or coconut yoghurt in place of mixing almonds with dairy.
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High Oxalate Food
Oxalates, which are found naturally in almonds, are substances that might cause kidney stones if taken in excess. The load is increased when these nuts are consumed with other foods high in oxalate, such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and beets and may raise the risk of kidney stones. In addition to preventing calcium absorption (which is important for strengthening bones), too many of these nutrients can bond with calcium and cause calcium-oxalate kidney stones. If you frequently eat almonds, counterbalance them with vegetables, such as zucchini, kale or cabbage.
Processed Sugary Foods
Almonds are frequently included in pastries, granola bars, and desserts that have a lot of processed sugar. Blood sugar levels together with metabolic processes suffer when individuals eat them with refined sugars. These nuts contain good fats that inhibit the absorption of sugar, excess of refined sugar can result in sharp rises in blood sugar levels. Almonds have anti-inflammatory properties, whereas processed carbohydrates increase chronic inflammation. Nuts and refined sugar are a high-calorie combination that might cause weight gain if ingested in excess. Instead of using processed sugars, use natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or dates.
Soy Products
Food products derived from soy contain phytates that link to minerals such as calcium, zinc and iron. Consuming almonds with soy products can further decrease the bioavailability of nutrients, which are already abundant in them. Also, phytic acid found in almonds and soybeans stops the body from using calcium and iron well. When this combo is taken in excess, phytoestrogens found in soy can alter hormone levels. If you eat soy, instead of having it with almonds mix it with meals high in vitamin C to help with iron use.
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Salty Snacks
Trail mixes including processed snacks that are high in sodium, such as salted crackers, pretzels, or chips, frequently include almonds. Although this can sound like a delicious combo, eating too much salt might be bad for your heart. Excess salt may counteract the heart-friendly benefits of almonds by causing hypertension. Bloating and water retention brought on by high salt levels. The nutritional value of the nuts decreases by the presence of unhealthy fats and preservatives in processed foods. Combine almonds with unsalted nuts, dried fruits, or dark chocolate as an alternative to salty processed treats.
Almonds are frequently eaten as a pub snack with alcoholic drinks. This pairing has a bad impact on both digestive processes and metabolic functions. Dehydration and constipation may result from the combo. Alcohol prevents the healthy fats in almonds from breaking down. When ingested in excess, alcohol and almonds both contribute to weight gain since they are high in calories. When drinking, consume hydrated items such as light salads or fresh fruits.