Let’s just assume that if you are reading this, the possibility of you already drinking less water is high. Isn’t it? And let’s also accept that we know how important it is to drink enough water. Experts around the world have emphasised more than enough on the need to stay hydrated. While our body is made up of 70% water, it is absolute vital to replenish at regular intervals. Also dubbed as the elixir of life, water controls and manages several critical functions of our body including digestion, transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cells, maintaining the electrolyte (sodium) balance, among others.  

Our body eliminates water through sweat and urine and during the summer season, due to the heat it eliminates it more. If we do not replenish it enough, it could lead to dehydration. Experts have suggested up to eight glasses of water daily but this can vary for different people. In any case, to ensure you drink enough water daily you can follow simple tips and tricks. 

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Here are 5 simple ways to ensure you drink more water: 

1. Set Reminders  

Use your phone’s alarm or an app to remind you to drink a glass of water every hour or a few sips every 30 minutes. This way, no matter how busy you are, your phone will remind you of the much-needed water break. 

2. Replace Drinks With Water 

Replace all those sodas and colas with a bottle of water and see your life changing! This will also lower your calorie intake while increasing water intake. 

3. Keep A Bottle Handy

No more excuses to not drink a sip! Keep a bottle of water with you always, no matter where you go. It is also a visual reminder to drink more water!

4. Ensure Your Last & The First Drink Of The Day Is Water 

It is one of the easiest ways to load up on water is to make sure you last glass of the day and the first is water. These two fixed glasses not only ensure you don’t sleep with a dry mouth but also refresh you first thing on the morning.  

5. Include Foods With High Water Content 

Pack your diet with fruits like watermelon, veggies such as cucumber, lettuce and cabbage so you are well-hydrated and also have enough vitamins and minerals in your diet.