It is very important to keep a tab on the overall nutrition in your diet. The reason why so many nutritionists and doctors focus on the importance of consuming a balanced diet is because of the harmful effects that you will have to face in the long run due to the deficiency of these nutrients. Iron is one of the most important nutrients that is needed by our bodies. Let's look at some of the best sources of irons that you can include in your diet during the winter season. 

* Spinach

Spinach is abundantly available during the winter season and is a versatile, green vegetable that can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. This leafy green vegetable is packed with iron with an average of 1.05 per 100 g as per the USDA which adds up especially if you’re cooking it down. The important thing about Spinach is that it contains non-heme iron that can't be easily absorbed by the body of human beings as it is found in animal products. But pairing it with the right type of foods that are high in vitamin C like citrus fruits or bell peppers can improve iron absorption. There are so many ways that you can make spinach at home, including making salads, smoothies, and even sautéeing spinach. Spinach can be a significant contributor to your everyday meals to fulfil your daily iron requirements.

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* Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are also a rich source of iron and a convenient snack. You can simply sprinkle them over your salads and yoghurt to make your home-made granola. It instantly improves the quality of your diet. Pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of minerals along with a high level of iron. It can be a great option for people to increase iron levels in the body without having to eat supplements or other vegetables that they do not like eating. As per the USDA there is 8.82 mg iron per 100 gm of pumpkin seeds.

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* Quinoa

Quinoa is a great source of protein and also contains a considerable amount of iron. It is fibrous and a very versatile ingredient that can be used as a salad base and even with your favourite vegetables and lentils. It is used as a side dish and also in breakfast bowls. The high amount of iron makes it a great value addition to any dish. If you are looking to make your dishes healthy and plant-based then quinoa can be a great option. Also, it is a gluten-free ingredient so it is fit for everyone. It also gets cooked very easily and also very chewy. As per the USDA there is 4.55 mg of iron in every 100 g of quinoa.

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* Lentils

Legumes or different types of pulses are also great sources of iron. Lentils are very versatile and also a plant-based choice for vegetarians in regions. These can be used in different types of dishes, that is to make stews, soups, salads, or even as a filling in a sandwich or rolls. There are so many recipes that are made from lentils that you will find in many cousins. Consuming lentils regularly can maintain a sufficient level of iron in your body. Also, you do not have to restrict yourself to a particular test as there are so many lentils available in the market that you can try. All of these lentils are very different in taste and extremely healthy. As per the USDA there is 10.3 mg iron and every 100g of lentils.

* Lean Meats

People who like consuming meat must know that lean meats like chicken and turkey are also excellent sources of iron. The best part about these meats is that they contain heme iron which is better than non-heme iron. Heme iron gets easily absorbed by the body without having to pair it with the complementary ingredients. Eating lean meat regularly can prove to be a wonder for your body. You can pair them with fresh vegetables for a better taste and a balanced diet. Other than iron, these males are also very rich in protein so you get an overall balanced diet. Avoid consuming coffee with lean meats as excessive intake of tea or coffee along with lean meat may affect the nutritional value of your meal. There is 1.94 mg iron in every 100g of meat as per the USDA.

* Dark Chocolate 

This is good news for all the chocolate lovers out there, and you will be surprised to know that chocolate is a great option for someone who is looking to include iron in their diet. You have to make sure that you choose a pure form of dark chocolate that doesn't have any added sweetener and real Cocoa butter and Cocoa solids. A single serving of dark chocolate can fulfil 19% of your daily iron requirement. Other than being a great source of iron, it is also good for your heart and skin. There is 11.9 mg iron in every 100g of dark chocolate as per the USDA.

These are some great and easily available sources of iron that you can include in your diet. Iron is very important for your body and responsible for maintaining red blood cells. All of these ingredients are rich in iron and you can use them in a variety of ways to include in your diet.