While one is all snuggled up in bed and feeling cozy, getting out of it is a task. Prepping for meals while your hands are shivering with cold is extremely difficult. However, you need to feed yourself something to keep your body warm. Now, you’d look for easier ways to make meals that are ready in a jiffy. That’s when hot and toasted sandwiches come to your rescue.

Yes, you read that right. Just like you like eating cold sandwiches in the sweltering heat, winters are the perfect time to make warm and fuzzy sandwiches that you can take to bed and enjoy while getting cozy in your blanket. Here are a few delicious sandwich recipes that you can toast up in your sandwich maker and enjoy. 

1.  Eggplant, Tomato And Chutney Toasted Sandwich 

While this may seem to be an unusual combination, it tastes amazing. The eggplant is cut into thin slices. The bread is slathered with mint-coriander chutney. The eggplant slices are tossed on a pan until they turn brown and soft. Add slices of tomatoes and the eggplant on the chutney bread and top it with another slice. Grill in a sandwich maker and enjoy. 

2.  Toasted Hummus Sandwich 

Prepare a smooth and creamy hummus with boiled chickpeas. Once the hummus is ready, spread it on the bread and top with chopped broccoli, bell peppers, onions and basil. These add crunch to the otherwise soft sandwich. Add some grated cheese to it. Finally, put it to grill in a sandwich maker or simply toast it in a pan. 

3.  Toasted Reuben Sandwich 

Get some white cabbage, horseradish, gherkins and spring onions. Slice it all up and mix with mayonnaise. This creamy mixture is then slathered on the bread and seasoned with salt and pepper. Top it with some sour cream for tanginess and grill it up to perfection. 

4.  Toasted Samosa Sandwich 

The crispy Indian conical puff pastry is usually stuffed with diced potatoes, peas and spices. Press the fried delight to flatten it and keep aside. Then, take a slice of bread and slather it with green chutney and tomato ketchup. Place the flattened and crushed samosa on it. Top with onion rings and a slice of bread. Let it grill in the sandwich maker for a few minutes and enjoy. 

5.  Toasted Red Pepper Chicken Sandwich 

For all the meat lovers, this one is the best sandwich for winters. With the juiciness of chicken and spiciness of red pepper, you’ll be amazed at how good the sandwich tastes. The chicken breast is sliced and grilled with a coating of honey. Lettuce, tomato, sweet and spicy red pepper mayo as well as cheddar cheese are stuffed into it before the sandwich is cooked.