Congratulations are in order for Brahmastra actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, as the couple announced their pregnancy on Monday morning. The actress took to social media to share the happy news with a photo from their ultrasound appointment. “Our baby ….. coming soon”, Alia captioned the photo, which was continued with another picture of a lioness nudging a lion and a cub looking on. The news of Alia’s pregnancy comes two months after the couple tied the knot on April 14 in an intimate ceremony at their Mumbai home, surrounded by their family and close friends. 

Alia has a huge fan following on social media, and her fans were elated to say the least after hearing the news. Take a look at what Alia posted: 

Image: Alia Bhatt Instagram

She has been a favourite among netizens, especially for being herself. Most of all, her foodie posts are often loved by people. The mom-to-be is a self-confessed foodie, who is super active on Instagram and regularly treats her 50.3 million-strong Instagram family with snippets from her foodie diaries. In one of her ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions recently about true or false, where she answered several questions related to fitness and food. And well, she did reveal a lot of food secrets. 

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1. A complete foodie 

When a follower asked her whether or not she is a foodie, Alia responded with a proof of how big a foodie she is. She shared a video of her eating cake off a plate, and wrote ‘True story’, along with it. Now, those are some foodie goals right there. Alia has shared a couple of pictures on stories earlier as well, proving the fact. 

2. A lover of chocolates and potatoes 

A fan asked Alia to confirm if she loves potato and chocolate, she agreed and said “Fully true, aloo and chocolate are my favourites.” Well, we don’t blame her. The versatile potato is a mass favourite and a host of amazing potato dishes are proof of that. Don’t we all love to gorge on crispy French fries?  So is chocolate! These chocolate recipes right here are going to make you fall in love with chocolate yet again. 

Image: Shutterstock

3. Ghar ka khana for the win 

Another follower then enquired if she loves Indian cuisine the most. To this, Alia replied, “True. No such thing like ghar ka khana”. She further explained how homemade Indian food is her all-time favourite cuisine. “Indian food made at home is my favourite cuisine. So, homemade Indian food,” she said in the video. In an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session back in 2018 as well, Alia expressed how she is a  “ghar ka khana kinda girl, dal chawal types”. 

Image: Shutterstock

4. Never skip breakfast 

Busting the common myth that celebrities like to skip the first meal of the day in order to keep calories in check, Alia responded to a fan who asked if skips her breakfast, saying, “No, false. Unless like I’m not hungry, but I don’t skip on purpose,” she said in her Instagram stories. “I eat when I’m hungry,” she added. That is some morning meal motivation right there. 

5. Only eats, not cook 

Alia’s response to a fan asking if she likes to cook or not, was straight up clear - “No. I only love eating!”. Relatable much, is it foodies?