When it comes to weight loss, there have been several fad diets that have come and gone. And so, let’s face it, no one diet has been proved to be beneficial for all. There is no fixed diet regime for every body type. Hence, if keto works for your friend, it might not work for you. Each diet has its pros and cons, and while some has exited the world of fitness as soon as they entered, some have stood the test of time and trust and perhaps are here to stay. 

Here are 5 Weight-Loss Diets That Are Here To Stay:

1. Ketogenic Diet 

A low-carb, high-protein diet, Keto has been a success for many people in recent years. It requires one to include low-carb foods that ultimately makes you feel less hungry. It works because, during this process, the body enters into a metabolic state called ketosis, wherein our body becomes highly efficient at burning fat and releases energy.  

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2. Plant-Based Diet

The name pretty much sums up what this diet focuses on- foods primarily from plants, nuts, grains, oils, legumes and fruits. 

3. Mediterranean Diet 

One of the most popular features of the Mediterranean diet is that it focuses on weight loss and heart health. It is also a plant-based diet loaded with fruits, vegetables, legumes, and several studies have termed it to be good for weight loss, gut health, diabetes and more.  

4. Paleo Diet 

Close to what our ancestors ate; from fruits, veggies, eggs, meat, seafood and nuts, the paleo diet leaves out grains, cereals, dairy, salt and refined sugar. All of which could be pretty overwhelming but have found to help people with weight loss. 

5. Intermittent Fasting

While there is not enough proof if this one has helped many lose weight for the long term, it sure has helped shed some kilos quickly! It involves long hours of fasting and eating strictly within a particular time frame. While some fast for 12 hours, some even go beyond up to 16-18 hours and even a whole day. One should always consult an expert before opting for intermittent fasting.