Doesn’t everyone love birthdays? The feeling of one day just dedicated to you, filled with thoughtful presents, yummy food items, and the mandatory birthday song. But whilst the presents and the wishes change every year, the only thing that remains constant is the birthday cake that takes centre stage.

So, if you’re planning to surprise a loved one who is a literary nerd, why don’t you bake a heartfelt cake? Since they love literature, they’d very much appreciate the works of Shakespeare and would love to have a themed cake on their birthday. That being said, if you’re a Shakespeare fan yourself, you can host a themed party with carefully baked cake and other snacks to make the evening a memorable one.

Romeo And Juliet Heart Cake

Romeo And Juliet is a classic play written by Shakespeare. The number of fans of the tragic love story is innumerable, and the story has been imprinted in their hearts. To commemorate the literary gem, why don’t you make a heart-shaped strawberry cake? By baking a basic vanilla cake and folding in strawberries, you can make a fruity dessert. Decorate with vanilla icing and strawberries, symbolising the eternal love of Romeo and Juliet.

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Writing Table Cake

Writing tables, stationery, books, and accessories are really dear to everyone who loves literature. It’s only fair to bake a writing table-themed cake topped with Shakespeare’s crown to win your loved one’s heart over. You can start by baking a flavoured cake and then icing it with a woody golden colour. Finally, you can unleash the artist in you by using fondant and accessorising the cake with Shakespeare’s crown, books, pens, and much more.

The Tempest Sea Cake

You can take up any of your favourite Shakespeare plays and base a cake out of them. For example, The Tempest Sea Cake. The sea storm is the basis of the Shakespearean drama, and the blue ocean cake will be the centre of the party. For this, you can bake a mint chocolate cake and decorate it with blue, green, and white coloured icing to give it an effect of the sea.

Favourite Quote Cake

Every literature fan has a favourite quote. For your Shakespeare-theme party, you can pick up a quote that has made an impact on your heart and get it written on the cake. For example, “Parting is such sweet sorrow”, “To be or not to be”, “pound of flesh” What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, and the list can go on and on.

Globe Theatre Cake

Lastly, if you’re looking for an extravagant option, you can replicate the iconic Global Theatre Cake that would please every Shakespeare buff. For this cake, you can bake a round-shaped chocolate cake and put on icing that resembles the famous Shakespeare theatre where all his works are performed. Then, you can top it off with a spherical fondant in a dome-like shape with the colours of the globe.