Reaching out to your morning cup of coffee is not advisable for pregnant ladies. No matter how much you crave for it, stay away from caffeine if you wish a healthy child. Science says that consumption of coffee by expecting women can have an adverse effect on fetal growth and development. Also, it has been found in research published in the JAMA Network Open, that babies born to women who consume coffee during pregnancy are slightly smaller than those born to ladies who did not consume caffeinated beverages.
After conducting clinical trials on 2000 racially and ethnically diverse pregnant women, researchers concluded that infants of coffee-drinking mothers (who consumed at least 2 cups of coffee every day during pregnancy) have lean body mass. Not only this, having coffee has an array of other harmful effects for expecting mothers. Below, we tell you about a few of them.
Rises Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Caffeine consumption by pregnant ladies leads to constriction of blood vessels in the placenta and uterus. This can reduce the supply of blood to the fetus eventually inhibiting its growth. Also, caffeine can increase the level of stress hormone in a baby’s system putting it at an increased risk of obesity and heart diseases later in life.
Increases Risk of Miscarriage
As per a study by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, women who drink 2 or more cups of coffee during pregnancy are at 40 per cent increased risk of experiencing a miscarriage.
Causes Behavioural Issues
Exposing your child to caffeine in the uterus leads to changes in the important pathways of his/her brain. This can later cause behavioural issues, says a study conducted at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
Leads to Leukemia
According to a study conducted at the University of Leicester, consumption of coffee during pregnancy might cause leukemia, a type of blood cancer, in children. It may occur due to some alteration caused in their DNA.