If you're someone who is attracted to flowers for their beauty, you might want to try them in your food. Flowers can make anyone's day. Using them for aesthetics they provide is good, but do you know they can taste great too? Yes, flowers can add unique flavours to your food. Apart from that, flowers can make the aroma and colours of your food so appealing, that you'll make it a part of your celebration menu. There are various flowers commonly used in food like roses, hibiscus etc. Both are nutritious and have potential health benefits. Not only the flowers but you can also use their leaves and roots. If you like the idea, then here is a list of 4 ways to include flowers in your daily diet.

Flower-fruit salads

If you start your day with a healthy fruit salad, then consider adding some more colours and fragrance. Edible flowers in your salads will not only taste good but they're going to be irresistible. This will give your day a fresh and energetic start.

Garnishing over cakes

It's similar to you wearing a tiara of flowers during a wedding and clicking birthday pictures. Your cakes will look exquisite with a border of decoration with real flowers. You can even go for varieties of flower petals and cover the top of the cake with them entirely. This piece of a rainbow on the table or simple white ones for your vanilla cakes are a few ideas you won't regret considering.

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Flower cookies

You can use flowers to either decorate your cookies or as an ingredient for making the snack. If you are up for the former part, put a whole flower or its petals on the cookies before putting them in the oven. It'll look beautiful when served and your kids won't stop asking for more.

Flower Smoothie

Smoothies are already so delicious and with some edible flowers, it's going to be one of your all-time favourites. Choose the flowers of your choice keeping in mind the other ingredients and flavours. Garnish with petals and serve.